Sewermatics: AI-Powered Data Services

AI Powered Data Services by WinCan

Wastewater management has become a data-rich industry, and WinCan’s Sewermatics addresses the biggest challenges facing today’s sewer inspection teams. Sewermatics leverages cutting-edge sewer inspection technology and sewer inspection software to provide a comprehensive suite of AI-powered data services to the wastewater management industry.
With WinCan Sewermatics, municipalities and contractors can offload any or all of their defect coding and cloud hosting to data conversion and visualization needs to our team of NASSCO-certified professionals. This allows you to focus on core competencies while extracting maximum value from your critical sewer inspection data.


Defect Coding

• Helping Municipalities Offload or QA Sewer Inspection Footage
• Overcome workload spikes and skill gaps on inspection projects using Sewer Inspection Technology
• Spend less time and money on internal QA/QC with AI-Powered Data Services
• Gain new value from poorly coded or outdated legacy data
• Improve the accuracy of coding with AI.

Data Conversion

• Finding Value and Improving Reliability of Legacy Sewer Inspection Data
• Convert sewer inspection data to and from any format
• Unlock your Sewer Inspection data from your previous inspection software and achieve data freedom.
• Combine legacy sewer inspection data from different standards into one cohesive data set for a single source of truth

Cloud Hosting

• Reducing Risk, Increasing Accessibility and Streamlining Deliverables with Sewer Inspection Technology
• Centralize your sewer inspection data to access it anytime, anywhere from any browser-enabled device.
• Control user permissions to ensure data is only accessible to those who need it.
• Reduce the risk of data loss associated with on-premise server crashes with secure, cloud-based data storage.
• View, customize and send deliverables directly from WinCan.

GIS Integrations

• Enhancing Data Visualization and Asset Management
• Overlay your GIS data with heat maps to pinpoint critical areas of your system.
• Build and analyze 3D models to visualize pipe location, grade, and proximity to surface features
• Quickly transfer Sewer Inspection data between WinCan and industry-leading partners, like Esri, CentralSquare (Powered by Lucity), Cityworks and Cartegraph
